Business and Accounting Solutions

Every four years, we are blessed with an extra day in February, an extra day in our year and an extra day to use for however we choose to use it. So how are you going to use your extra day this time? Will it be like every other day is, or will you make your EXTRA day EXTRA special?

Well for me, I am going to make my day EXTRA special by wishing all of my customers, friends, and colleagues a very Happy Leap Day and I hope you use this day to do something extraordinary, even if that extraordinary is just getting out of bed today, or just making it through the day with out yelling, or crying! See some days, it takes everything we’ve got to make it through the day, and some days we have such amazing days that we want to shout them from the roof-tops. So for wherever you are today, just make today EXTRA-ordinary and let’s make sure we use this extra day to the fullest!!!

Here at Business and Accounting Solutions, we are different! We understand that not every business is running at the same level, but we definitely want to get you THERE! Let us help you, and let us use our EXTRA day today to fulfil that extraordinary dream of reaching the next level and try to get past the bad days or have fewer and fewer until you just don’t see them anymore. Are your numbers not adding up? Is your accounting team non-existent? Do you need a Controller than truly understands forecasting and cash flow? We are here to help! So Happy Leap Day again and we hope your day is amazing!


Kelly-BaAS President & CEO

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